Pixel Flasher Tool V7.7.0.0 (Latest Version)

Pixel Flasher Tool V7.7.0.0 (Latest Version)

"Pixel Flasher Tool V7.7.0.0: Features and Functionality Overview"


Pixel Flasher revolutionizes the flashing process for Pixel™ smartphones and other Google™ devices with its intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). As a powerful tool, it simplifies adb and fastboot command execution, offering a seamless experience for users. Beyond Pixel devices, Pixel Flasher extends support to various non-Pixel devices as well. For advanced users, the Expert mode provides a range of enhanced features, such as custom ROM flashing, partition management, bootloader tasks, and temporary root access, making it a versatile solution for both novice and experienced users.

Pixel Flasher Tool V7.7.0.0 (Latest Version)

Features Of Pixel Flasher:

  • Simple UI interface, click and go
  • Boot. image / init_ boot. image management and automated Magisk patching
  • Avoid manual steps for extracting, transferring, patching, and flashing files
  • Retain Safety Net / Play Integrity passing
  • Display details of boot. img (or init_boot. image)
  • Live boot from a choice of boot.img or patched image
  • Flash boot / init_boot image with data retention options
  • Flash to inactive slot
  • Display phone information (ID, hardware model, firmware, Magisk details, etc.)
  • Quick links to download Android platform tools or device firmware
  • Magisk Manager installation UI and Magisk Backup Manager
  • Manage Magisk settings, modules, and backups
  • Wireless Manager for adb wireless connection
  • Advanced features are hidden for a simpler interface
  • Support for GenY motion Scrappy to mirror and control Android devices
  • Verbose console output and automatic program updates
  • Package (Application) Manager for app control and superuser permissions

How To Use?

  1. First, you need to download the zip file from the below link
  2. Next, you can unzip all files at c: drive (important)
  3. Ensure you have disabled the antivirus before running the installation
  4. Next, open the folder and install the setup file with some basic instruction
  5. Run the "Pixel Flasher Tool V7.7.0.0 "
  6. Next, you can install all drivers if you already installed skip this step
  7. Connect the phone and try to do any function
  8. Enjoy !!!


In conclusion, Pixel Flasher is a powerful and flexible tool that simplifies the flashing process for Pixel™ phones and other Google™ devices. Designed for both beginners and advanced users, it combines an intuitive interface with a range of advanced features to meet diverse needs. With clear console outputs, automatic updates, and comprehensive troubleshooting support, Pixel Flasher guarantees a smooth, efficient, and hassle-free experience every step of the way.

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